Thursday, May 28, 2009

Le Sigh

1) No, I am not dead. 
2) No, the blog has not been abandoned. 

I know it's become a familiar refrain here lately, but things have been so damn busy! How busy? Well, for the past week I've been saying that I want to make a trip to Whole Foods, and I still haven't had time to get there. All I've been able to manage are quick trips to Publix to get bare essentials, and even that's not working out so well. (Example: we're out of olive oil. Gasp!) On top of, indeed because of, the busy-ness I haven't really been in my groove food-wise. We've been eating of course, but nothing particularly interesting. A nice change from that happened on Sunday, when I had a fun and wonderful little cooking class with my friend M, and we made 2 flavors of soft pretzels, 2 fondues to dip them in, and Chinese chicken salad. Of course, being in teaching mode I didn't take any photos, and I was reluctant to interrupt Hubband's tete-a-tete with M's boyfriend J to make them do it. (They were pretending it was the 50's, as M and I were in aprons in the kitchen. Theirs was a discussion of wood-paneled man-rooms and old scotch. Hilarious.) 
We're going on vacation soon, and I think that a week of decompression will be really good for me. I'm hoping that by our return, I will have found my groove again. I'm hoping that I will be re-energized and ready for what lies ahead. I'm hoping to find new inspirations that lead to great dishes. 
I'm hoping to hit the store today, and hoping to make something new for dinner tomorrow. Hope springs eternal. 

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